What an amazing place. The following weekend, Mark and I set out on another adventure to Scotland. We set out at o'dark hundred and arrived in scotland early enough to get taken out for a nice Scottish breakfast. I was also privileged enough to eat haggis in the first meal I ever ate in Scotland. :-)
On this weekend Mark and I came to train the Almond Vineyard. The pastors of the Almond Vineyard are the Dave and Liz Hart.... Gemma's Parents!!!!!! It was so good to finally meet my great friend Gemma's parents. They are really amazing people. Throughout the weekend we got to hang out with them and get to know each other better and better. I even got to watch the Ireland vs England rugby match with Dave (he is Northern Irish) so this match was a big thing.
The whole weekend went great! Spending time with the Harts and the people from their church was a treat. I got to learn a lot about what is happening in their area, their church, and their lives. It was great to be able to get to know my friends parents. I know that that sounds really weird, but I really enjoyed getting to know Gemma's parents. I will definitely come back to visit Edinburgh one day to stay with the Harts and to see the city. On my trip I wasn't able to see any of the city, but thats not what matters. What does matters is that we saw god change people's hearts and lives for his kingdom. God is really doing something with the Almond Vineyard and I really look forward to hear reports about what is happening with them because I feel, just as they feel, that they are on the edge of a breakthrough. God would you bless them and give them that breakthrough. Would you bring a new anointing upon their church. A fresh anointing and blessing.